$999.00 USD

Business Launch

  • Have you ever wanted to start your own coaching business and not sure how?
  • Do you want to know the exact skills to become a Life Coach and exactly how to run your sessions?
  • Have you ever wanted to know the exact steps of how to launch your coaching business with a proven framework to launch to 100K in your first 90 days from launch/

If you have answered yes, then read on as this will be for you.

Business 100K launch is a program that combines two courses to help aspiring entrepreneurs to launch and build their coaching business.

Over 30 modules, you will not only learn the skills to become a Life Coach, you will also have access to a proven strategy that will help you to launch your 100K coaching business.

In this program you will learn:

  • The fundamentals of life coaching;
  • How to run your coaching sessions with each client;
  • How to set goals with your clients;
  • The basic techniques to help your clients navigate through challenges;
  • The process to unpack your intellectual property and create your own program
  • How to attract your first five clients
  • Launching your first event to launch your business;
  • How to market and brand your business.

Business 100K Launch $999 USD

1. Over 30 Modules of knowledge and implementation
2. Learn the strategies to operate your coaching business
3. Learn how to launch and scale your coaching business with a proven $100K framework